




Founding Principles:  Big Day for PreK reflects the very best research and teacher practice on how young children learn and grow.

社会-Emotional Development It is important that children develop the behaviors and traits that will enable them to function productively and collaboratively in school and society. Every theme in Big Day for PreK has a social-emotional focus that emphasizes what is essential for helping children be future-ready.

综合学习发展性实践(DAP), 故意打, and teacher-led instruction focus on big ideas and guide children in the development of knowledge, 技能, 以及为他们在学校取得成功做好准备的概念. Big Day for PreK provides learning experiences that integrate all domains, 包括社会情感发展, 口头语言, 读写能力, 数学, 科学, 社会研究, 艺术, 身体发育.

合作伙伴hip With 家庭 Young children benefit when the school forges a respectful p艺术nership with families and communicates regularly with them about what children are learning and how they are progressing. Big Day for PreK honors children’s families as an integral p艺术 of the learning process and helps families extend children’s learning at home

Language Development Every aspect of a child’s day presents an opportunity for language development by modeling and reinforcing conversation, 词汇表, 以及社交和学术环境中的句子结构. Language development is embedded in every component of Big Day for PreK, 就像明确针对即兴阅读的体验一样, 写作, 说话, 倾听技巧.

Responsive Instruction The goal of PreK is to prepare young children for success in school. 研究 has identified the key benchmarks that are accurate predictors of future achievement. Continuously monitoring each child’s progress against these benchmarks is critical. The instructional model of Big Day for PreK is based on a reciprocal process with daily observation of the key indicators and daily responsive instruction for individuals and small groups.

Themes Big Day for PreK lessons are organized into eight engaging and child-friendly themes. 每个主题都包括构建知识的材料和活动, 技能, 以及促进综合学习的概念. The themes broaden as children understand more and more about the world around them.

Weekly and daily lessons build on a social-emotional focus and a knowledge focus that help children learn about themselves and their world as they move toward kinderg艺术en readiness. The flexible content allows teachers to incorporate their own favorite themes into the classroom.

  • 主题1:准备上学   
  • 主题2:我的家庭   
  • 主题三:我们的社区   
  • 主题4:可怕的动物   
  • 主题5:想象,创造    
  • 主题6:健康成长  
  • 主题7:自然在我们身边  
  • 主题8:继续前进  



Children acquire new knowledge 技能 and understanding every day through experience, 故意打, 老师的指导, 和丰富的课程,整合社会和情感, 学术, 身体发育. Big Experiences Provide Integrated Learning Opportunities Every day in Big Day for PreK is built around three Big Experiences—one or two Circle Time and Story Time lessons—that provide an anchor for conversation, 玩, 和学习. Carefully selected activities ground the entire class in a common Big Experience that integrates learning domains.

小团体建立在大经验的基础上 . . .

  • Focus on key predictive 技能 in emergent 读写能力—phonological awareness and alphabet knowledge—and 数学.
  • Promote responsive instruction and provide activities for children who need additional practice or one-to-one instruction.
  • 为教师提供支持,用新的例子进行再教学, 简化程序, 或者其他方式.

学习中心扩展了大的经验和 . . .

  • 连接到当前主题和周.
  • Provide opportunities for 故意打 and independent exploration.
  • 促进社交情感技能的发展, 包括独立工作, 与同事分享, 交朋友, 解决冲突.
  • Have features such as Problem-Solving questions that encourage children to think through solutions, 鼓励孩子参与假装游戏的游戏场景, 写作格式的想法, 和资源.

Meaningful Conversations that Build Oral Language and Vocabulary  Oral language development is at the he艺术 of Big Day for PreK instruction. Support for meaningful conversations build 口头语言 and 词汇表 throughout the day. Routines are designed to foster 词汇表 acquisition using theme words, 故事的话, [的话, 和学术语言. Shared reading and guided 玩 create opportunities for children to develop and practice their new language 技能.

A Rich Literacy Environment Fosters Vocabulary Development From the very first moment children are in class, they are engaged in conversation and encouraged to express themselves verbally, 提高词汇量和流利度. Program materials carefully and creatively provide access to the 词汇表 of school and beyond.

For 家庭 Big Day 在线家庭空间 is the only bilingual communication tool that offers families a virtual window into their child’s learning and enables all families to extend learning at home. This powerful tool helps engage families and encourages them to take an active role in their child’s education.


  • 菠菜网lol正规平台当前课程和课堂活动的信息
  • 快速方便地访问大日子BookFlix
  • Fun With Clifford activities chosen specifically for preschool children
  • Relevant resources about child development and Kinderg艺术en Readiness
  • 可下载的书籍、资源和活动
  • 所有材料均为英文和西班牙文

Ask your teacher for the Big Day for PreK on line log in to access your parent space.


这个夏天的主题单元包括假装, 绘画, 为一次特殊旅行而收拾行李, 制作和玩游戏, 吹泡泡, 问很多“为什么”?”的问题. 充满乐趣和学习的课程:

  • Focuses on key 读写能力 and math 技能 needed for beginning kinderg艺术en
  • Integrates 科学, 社会研究, physical development, and more
  • Includes Conscious Discipline® strategies for social-emotional development